Column ratio mapping: a processing technique for atomic resolution high angle annular dark field(HAADF) images

Robb, P.D. and Craven, A.J. (2008) Column ratio mapping: a processing technique for atomic resolution high angle annular dark field(HAADF) images. Ultramicroscopy, 109(1), pp. 61-69. (doi: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2008.08.001)

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An image processing technique is presented for atomic resolution high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) images that have been acquired using scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). This technique is termed column ratio mapping and involves the automated process of measuring atomic column intensity ratios in high-resolution HAADF images. This technique was developed to provide a fuller analysis of HAADF images than the usual method of drawing single intensity line profiles across a few areas of interest. For instance, column ratio mapping reveals the compositional distribution across the whole HAADF image and allows a statistical analysis and an estimation of errors. This has proven to be a very valuable technique as it can provide a more detailed assessment of the sharpness of interfacial structures from HAADF images. The technique of column ratio mapping is described in terms of a [1 1 0]-oriented zinc-blende structured AlAs/GaAs superlattice using the 1 Å-scale resolution capability of the aberration-corrected SuperSTEM 1 instrument.

Item Type:Articles
Keywords:High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging, column ratio mapping, image processing
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Craven, Professor Alan
Authors: Robb, P.D., and Craven, A.J.
Subjects:Q Science > QC Physics
College/School:College of Science and Engineering > School of Physics and Astronomy
Journal Name:Ultramicroscopy
First Published:First published in Ultramicroscopy 109(1):61-69
Publisher Policy:Reproduced in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher

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Project CodeAward NoProject NamePrincipal InvestigatorFunder's NameFunder RefLead Dept
348341Development & application of aberration-corrected electron microscopy (SuperSTEM)Alan CravenEngineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)GR/S41036/01Physics and Astronomy