Comparative genomic analysis of 10 Streptococcus pneumoniae temperate bacteriophages

Romero Fernandez, P., Croucher, N.J., Hiller, N.L., Hu, F.Z., Ehrlich, G.D., Bentley, S.D., Garcia, E. and Mitchell, T.J. (2009) Comparative genomic analysis of 10 Streptococcus pneumoniae temperate bacteriophages. Journal of Bacteriology, 191(15), pp. 4854-4862. (doi: 10.1128/JB.01272-08) (PMID:19502408) (PMCID:PMC2715734)

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Streptococcus pneumoniae is an important human pathogen that often carries temperate bacteriophages. As part of a program to characterize the genetic makeup of prophages associated with clinical-strains and to assess the potential roles that they play in the biology and pathogenesis of their host we performed comparative genomic of ten temperate pneumococcal phage. All of the genomes are organized into five major gene clusters: lysogeny, replication, packaging, morphogenesis and lysis; and all of the phage particles observed showed a Siphoviridae morphology. The only genes that are well conserved in all the genomes studied are those involved in the integration and the lysis of the host in addition to two genes, of unknown function, within the replication module. We observed that a high percentage of the open reading frames contained no similarities to any sequences catalogued in public databases, however, genes were also identified that were homologous to known phage virulence genes including the pblB gene of Streptococcus mitis and the vapE gene in Dichelobacter nodosus. Interestingly, bioinformatic tools showed the presence of a toxin-antitoxin system in the phage phiSpn_6 which is the first time that an addition system has been identified in a pneumophage. Collectively the temperate pneumophages contain a diverse set of genes with varying levels of similarity among them

Item Type:Articles
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Romero Fernandez, Dr Patricia and Mitchell, Professor Timothy
Authors: Romero Fernandez, P., Croucher, N.J., Hiller, N.L., Hu, F.Z., Ehrlich, G.D., Bentley, S.D., Garcia, E., and Mitchell, T.J.
Subjects:Q Science > QR Microbiology
College/School:College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Infection & Immunity
Journal Name:Journal of Bacteriology
Journal Abbr.:J. Bacteriol.
Publisher:American Society for Microbiology
ISSN (Online):1098-5530
Published Online:05 June 2009

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