Isolation and partial characterization of Brazilian samples of feline immunodeficiency virus

Teixeira, B.M., Logan, N., Samman, A., Miyashiro, S.I., Brandão, P.E., Willett, B.J. , Hosie, M.J. and Hagiwara, M.K. (2011) Isolation and partial characterization of Brazilian samples of feline immunodeficiency virus. Virus Research, 160(1-2), pp. 59-65. (doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2011.05.007)

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Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) causes a slow progressive degeneration of the immune system which eventually leads to a disease comparable to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. FIV has extensive sequence variation, a typical feature of lentiviruses. Sequence analysis showed that diversity was not evenly distributed throughout the genome, but was greatest in the envelope gene, env. The virus enters host cells via a sequential interaction, initiated by the envelope glycoprotein (env) binding the primary receptor molecule CD134 and followed by a subsequent interaction with chemokine co-receptor CXCR4. The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize isolates of FIV from an open shelter in Spo Paulo, Brazil. The separated PBMC from 11 positive cats were co-cultured with MYA-1 cells. Full-length viral env glycoprotein genes were amplified and determined. Chimeric felineá+áhuman CD134 receptors were used to investigate the receptor utilization of 17 clones from Brazilian isolates of FIV. Analyses of the sequence present of molecular clones showed that all clones grouped within subtype B. In contrast to the virulent primary isolate FIV-GL8, expression of the first cysteine-rich domain (CRD1) of feline CD134 in the context of human CD134 was sufficient for optimal receptor function for all Brazilian FIV isolates tested

Item Type:Articles
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Hosie, Professor Margaret and Willett, Professor Brian and Logan, Miss Nicola and Teixeira, Mr Bruno
Authors: Teixeira, B.M., Logan, N., Samman, A., Miyashiro, S.I., Brandão, P.E., Willett, B.J., Hosie, M.J., and Hagiwara, M.K.
College/School:College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Infection & Immunity
College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Infection & Immunity > Centre for Virus Research
Journal Name:Virus Research
Publisher:Elsevier BV
ISSN (Online):1872-7492
Published Online:17 May 2011
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Project CodeAward NoProject NamePrincipal InvestigatorFunder's NameFunder RefLead Dept
363381Rational Design of a Lentiviral VaccineMargaret HosieMedical Research Council (MRC)G0300387Centre for Virus Research