Contested terms, supportive relationships, and historical omissions: A critical response to _frontiers of solidarity.

Di Marco Campbell, L. R. (2021) Contested terms, supportive relationships, and historical omissions: A critical response to _frontiers of solidarity. On Education: Journal for Research and Debate, 4, 10. (doi: 10.17899/on_ed.2022.10.11)

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Serving as a response to the entirety of on_education volume ten, _frontiers of solidarity, the following essay questions the absence of takes that ‘nurture and enact anti-capitalist, anarchist, feminist, anti-racist, de-colonial, anti-fascist, queer, trans[, or] sex worker- inclusive values through conversation and direct action' in the manner advocated by Antiuniversity Now (n.d.). A Community Development practitioner and educator by trade, the author addresses the significant gaps within this volume, identifying a failure from a majority of contributions to appropriately define the issue’s very focus of ‘solidarity’. Indeed, that amongst the papers is a proclamation that solidarity is contrary to the human condition is of great concern, with Negrea-Busuioc’s assertion that '[s]olidarity [...] is not a natural human emotion' (ibid) or that it ‘is not an innate human characteristic but one that can develop in a nurturing environment (e.g. family, school, community)’ a particular issue given the wealth of anarchistic literature which attests to the contrary. The contributions of Fichtner, Bajaj, and Tow are, however, recognised for their value in advancing this issue.

Item Type:Articles
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Di Marco Campbell, Mr Luke Ray
Authors: Di Marco Campbell, L. R.
College/School:College of Social Sciences > School of Education
Journal Name:On Education: Journal for Research and Debate
Copyright Holders:Copyright: © 2021 The Author
First Published:First published in On Education. Journal for Research and Debate 4: 10
Publisher Policy:Reproduced under a Creative Commons licence

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