Investigation of spectral gain broadening for mode-locking using InGaAs/InAlGaAs multiple width quantum wells at 1550nm

Jain, M., McCulloch, M., Langford, N., Bryce, A. and Ironside, C. (2002) Investigation of spectral gain broadening for mode-locking using InGaAs/InAlGaAs multiple width quantum wells at 1550nm. In: 15th-Annual-Meeting-of-the-IEEE-Lasers-and-Electro-Optics-Society, Glasgow, Uk, pp. 718-719. ISBN 1092-8081

Full text not currently available from Enlighten.

Item Type:Conference Proceedings
Keywords:Gain, Mode-Locking, Quantum, Quantum Wells, Quantum-Wells, Well, Wells
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Ironside, Professor Charles and Bryce, Prof Ann
Authors: Jain, M., McCulloch, M., Langford, N., Bryce, A., and Ironside, C.
College/School:College of Science and Engineering > School of Engineering > Electronics and Nanoscale Engineering

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