Rozhovor Britských listů 565: Kdyby republika byla v situaci jako lidé v Karlovarském kraji, tak tady bude fašismus [Britské listy Interview 565: If the whole Czech republic were in a situation like the people in the Karlovy Vary region, fascism would rule here]

Čulík, J. and Cvek, B. (2023) Rozhovor Britských listů 565: Kdyby republika byla v situaci jako lidé v Karlovarském kraji, tak tady bude fašismus [Britské listy Interview 565: If the whole Czech republic were in a situation like the people in the Karlovy Vary region, fascism would rule here]. [Audio]

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The situation before the second round of the presidential election in the Czech Republic is analyzed by Jan Čulík and Britské listy commentator Boris Cvek. What is the source of conflict in Czech society? And was a second round of the presidential election necessary at all? And the fact that it will be held, and that it created a space of fourteen days for deceitful pre-election manipulation of the voters whose fault is that? This Britské listy interview was broadcast on on the Czech cable TV station from Friday 20 January 2023.

Item Type:Audio
Keywords:Czech 2023 Presidential election, fake news, Czech politics, Andrej Babiš, Petr Pavel, Britské listy interviews, Czech social issues, Boris Cvek, Jan Čulík, extremism.
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Culik, Dr Jan
Authors: Čulík, J., and Cvek, B.
College/School:College of Arts & Humanities > School of Modern Languages and Cultures > Slavonic Studies
Publisher:Britské listy,
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