Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas are associated with basal proliferating actinic keratoses

Schmitz, L., Gambichler, T., Kost, C., Gupta, G., Stücker, M., Stockfleth, E. and Dirschka, T. (2019) Cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas are associated with basal proliferating actinic keratoses. British Journal of Dermatology, 180(4), pp. 916-921. (doi: 10.1111/bjd.16536) (PMID:29526028)

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Background: In addition to the extent of atypical keratinocytes throughout the epidermis, actinic keratoses (AKs) are histologically characterized by downward directed basal layer expansion. It is not known if this growth pattern correlates with the risk of developing invasive squamous cell carcinoma (iSCC). Objective: To characterize the prevalence of downward directed basal layer expansion of AKs adjacent to iSCC. Methods: The epidermis overlying and adjacent to iSCCs was assessed histologically. We determined the histological grade (AKI‐III), basal growth pattern (PROI‐III) and accompanying parameters such as adnexal involvement. Results: Of 307 lesions, 52.4% of AKs were histologically classified as AKI, 38.1% as AKII, and 6.8% as AKIII (chi‐squared; P<0.0001). 2.6% of adjacent epidermis did not show any atypical keratinocytes. The epidermis adjacent to iSCCs was classified as having a PROI basal growth pattern in 25.7%, PROII in 31.9%, and PROIII in 39.4% cases. 2.9% of AKs showed no basal growth (chi‐squared; P<0.0001).118 (48.8%) AKs showed extension into adnexal structures. These AKs were graded as PROI in 18.6%, PROII in 30.5%, and PROIII in 50.8%. The epidermis above iSCCs could only be assessed for upwards directed growth and showed no significant differences in the three AK grades (P=0.4211). Conclusions: Basal proliferative AKs as well as atypical keratinocytes restricted to the lower third of the epidermis are most commonly seen adjacent to iSCC with less evidence for full thickness epidermal dysplasia. Our study supports the important role of dysplastic keratinocytes in the epidermal basal layer and their potential association with iSCC.

Item Type:Articles
Glasgow Author(s) Enlighten ID:Gupta, Dr Girish
Authors: Schmitz, L., Gambichler, T., Kost, C., Gupta, G., Stücker, M., Stockfleth, E., and Dirschka, T.
College/School:College of Medical Veterinary and Life Sciences > School of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing
Journal Name:British Journal of Dermatology
ISSN (Online):1365-2133
Published Online:11 March 2018
Copyright Holders:Copyright © 2018 British Association of Dermatologists
First Published:First published in British Journal of Dermatology 180(4): 916-921
Publisher Policy:Reproduced in accordance with the publisher copyright policy

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